January Jones is Scared for Sharks from Oceana on Vimeo.
The actress January Jones from the hit tv-series “Mad Men” has stepped up to appear in a number of Public Service Announcements (PSAs) titled “Scared for Sharks.” According to my source article the PSAs will start June 8th and continue through the summer in online, tv and radio features.
“I am so ecstatic to be a face for Oceana’s shark campaign and help make a difference for these magnificent creatures,” said Jones. “After interacting with sharks at such close proximity, I believe now, more than ever, that they carry a stigma with them that is so unnecessary.”
Second to the fact that this PSA should make significant strides bringing attention to the plight of sharks, I love that the PSAs are partly based on the fact that sharks are simply uninterested in humans – a real change in thought for most of us. Here is one of the PSAs with January Jones:
If you are not sure if this movement is important enough I urge you to try watching one more video.
If you would like to help Oceana represent our oceans please visit Oceana’s donation page. Note that Oceana is a 4-Star Charity – your money WILL be used properly.